Mr. Cusic shared the names of the 16 students who met or exceeded their SAT scores. Those students include Audrey Brooks, Destiny Childress, Rachel Greene, Colin Huelsmann, Danielle Newman, Tori Phelps, Mason Pietsch, Trinity Williams, and Lindy Zacovic who all met in ELA and received $50 each. Aidan Clark who met in Math also received $50. Lucy Forster, Will Herron, and John Mitchell who met in ELA and Math each received $100. Tabitha Gentry who exceeded ELA and met in Math received $150. Joey Payne who met in ELA and exceeded Math also received $150, and finally Sarah McSparin who exceeded in both ELA and Math was rewarded with $200. McSparin said, “I think what brought me such great success with the SAT was Junior Seminar.” She continued, “I would never have done as greatly as I did if it wasn’t for Mr. Wells and Mrs. Cain taking the time to teach us everything that we needed to know for success. The class truly was a tremendous help!"
Testing Success!
January 25, 2022